To buy or sell a property, you have to appear before a notary to validate the transaction. The cost of the operation for the purchaser is 10% of the purchase price to be paid to notary, land register and taxes. While selling, you should only pay if you made a profit; In that case, you must pay 20% of income tax to the tax office.

A fast and not very expensive process. After an appointment at the notary, the will’s draft is checked, then it is just signed. The cost is between 50 and 100 Euros to pay to the notary.

The inheritance award process is complex and expensive. You must obtain death certificates of the grantor, as well as birth certificates of the heirs. Once the inheritance is granted, the process will be performed using the same procedure as in a sale of a property, but in this case you must pay 20% tax on the value of the assets of the grantor if the value of 175000 Euros is exceeded, if it is not exceeded, the tax is exempt.

When a person wants to give permission to another to act on his behalf with any entity, public or private, it is best to give what is called a Power of Attorney. A document certifying that a person has the permission of another or others to perform as many procedures have been stipulated in the Power of Attorney. The cost varies according to what is stated in the document, the initial and price is 50 Euros to pay to the notary.


To buy or sell a property, you have to appear before a notary to validate the transaction. The cost of the operation for the purchaser is 10% of the purchase price to be paid to notary, land register and taxes. While selling, you should only pay if you made a profit; In that case, you must pay 20% of income tax to the tax office.


A fast and not very expensive process. After an appointment at the notary, the will’s draft is checked, then it is just signed. The cost is between 50 and 100 Euros to pay to the notary.


The inheritance award process is complex and expensive. You must obtain death certificates of the grantor, as well as birth certificates of the heirs. Once the inheritance is granted, the process will be performed using the same procedure as in a sale of a property, but in this case you must pay 20% tax on the value of the assets of the grantor if the value of 175000 Euros is exceeded, if it is not exceeded, the tax is exempt.

Power of Attorney

When a person wants to give permission to another to act on his behalf with any entity, public or private, it is best to give what is called a Power of Attorney. A document certifying that a person has the permission of another or others to perform as many procedures have been stipulated in the Power of Attorney. The cost varies according to what is stated in the document, the initial and price is 50 Euros to pay to the notary.